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Thomas Myers
Spinal Dynamics Master Class
Go beyond ‘work on the painful bits and the tough cables’. Take a deeper dive into the dynamics of the human spine, expertly guided by Tom Myers’ 50 years of manual therapy teaching. The spine is that wonderfully adaptive central armature of the human form, and it works the best in length, when the vertebrae are allowed to ‘float’.Based on Tom’s groundbreaking Anatomy Trains map of myofascial meridians, we will delineate the soft-tissue patterns around the neural arch from the superficial sheets to the erector cords to the deep intersegmental rotators and sacral multifidus. Anteriorly, use the muscles that attach body / disc ‘column’ – pelvic floor, piriformis, psoas, diaphragm and longus muscles – to affect the primary and secondary curves.This class covers
- BodyReading clients’ posture to assess skeletal symmetry and develop strategies for the resulting soft tissue patterns
- Learn Fascial Release Techniques – fully laid out for intent and ‘feel’, with immediate application in your practice
- The 3 rotational systems of the spine – breath and functional movement patterns through the spine.
- The ‘Hip Grip’ – the most caudal spinal muscles – obturator internus, piriformis, and elevator ani
- Thoracolumbar rotations, poses major involvement, and compensatory patterns in the cervical spine or hips
- Palpatory certainty for manual therapy assessment with advanced techniques for the psoas complex and quadratus lumborum
- Direct supervision and feedback during partner work
Deepen your skills and return to your practice with a fresh set of eyes and new tools when working with your clients.This course presumes familiarity with anatomy vocabulary and palpation. A minimum of 3 years clinical experience is preferred but not required to attend.
Thomas Myers studied with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and with a variety of movement and manual therapy pioneers. His work is influenced by cranial, visceral, and intrinsic movement studies he made with European schools of osteopathy. An inveterate traveler, Tom has practiced integrative manual therapy for over 40 years in a variety of clinical and cultural settings. Tom is the author of Anatomy Trains (2020, 4th ed), co-author of Fascial Release for Structural Balance (North Atlantic, 2010, 2017), co-author of Anatomy Trains in Motion Study Guide (2019), author of Body3, The Anatomist’s Corner, Structural Integration: Collected Articles, and BodyReading: Visual Assessment and The Anatomy Trains, and has also written extensively for Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (Elsevier). He has also produced over 20 online learning courses with Anatomy Trains, and others in collaboration with various body-minded professional groups. Tom lives and sails on the coast of Maine in the USA. Tom and his team deliver professional development courses and certification in Structural Integration worldwide.
Please note our cancelation policy: With cancelation when there are less than three months prior to the workshop starts, you get fee refunded minus deposit and bank fees.
– With cancelation when less than 7 weeks prior to the workshop starts, there are no refund of course fee.