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SLINGS ESSENTIALS (05.-06.June 2018)
Fascia in motion & training concept
Slings Essentials is all about fascia, its role in movement and conscious training. The comprehensive information will serve as a knowledge-base for the Slings in Motion repertoire courses.
The first half of Slings Essentials revolves around fascial architecture, its interactive relationship with other systems and 10 movement relevant qualities of fascia.
The second part is dedicated to the Slings philosophy and the ‘Big 6’ long-term training aims, followed by the 10 guiding principles and 10 myofascial training techniques.
Although Slings Essentials contains a good portion of theory (as tends to be the nature of a science-informed foundation education), getting the body moving is still an integral part of the training. Morning lessons and practical applications linked to the theory are as much a part of the course as the integral-anatomy-Sudoku that makes fascia so fascinating.
If you are serious about fascia and a comprehensive understanding of its role in movement, this course is for you.
Duration: 2 days/14 hours.
Prerequisite: Anatomy Trains in Motion.
Other approved Anatomy Trains courses may also qualify – let us know what you have done and we will let you know how to start your Slings education from there.
Certificate: Certificate of participation.
SLINGS IN MOTION® I (08.-10. June 2018)
Slings in Motion I is the first of the series of Slings repertoire courses. It revolves around a very influential myofascial meridian duo; the “supportive, quietly persevering” Superficial Back Line and the “protective, proactive” Superficial Front Line of the Anatomy Trains body map.
All Slings in Motion modules are self-contained, practical repertoire courses. Although each Slings in Motion course has a clearly defined theme and a unique exercise selection, they have common features.
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All Slings in Motion courses include the following content.
Practical execution of a contrasting blend of:
– Differentiated and integrated multidimensional exercises in all body positions.
– Slow and deep, dynamic and rhythmic, stimulating and invigorating, as well as mellow and melting exercises and movement sequences.
– Exercise variations with and without additional props.
In-depth discussion of:
– Movement execution.
– Functional anatomy.
– Short-term and long-term exercise aims.
– Slings guiding principles.
– Slings myofascial training techniques.
– Purposeful sequencing.
Functionally choreographed, smooth flowing Slings SynerChi movement sequences. Daily Slings in Motion master classes.
We foster independent thinking and we really want you to understand each exercise, so you can practice, modify and teach with clear intention and confidence – and have some fun along the way! If you are a curious mover and individualistic teacher who likes to understand exercises and functional sequencing, the Slings in Motion courses are for you.
Duration: 3 days/21 hours.
Prerequisite: Anatomy Trains in Motion and Slings Essentials. Certificate: Certificate of participation.
Please Note: Deposit to secure your spot and to keep your EB discount is required; 4 000 NOK.
No refund of deposit after 3 months prior to the workshop
No refund of total fee, less than 1 month prior to the workshop.
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