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Welcome to “Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function”
In this exciting new and more comprehensive format you will learn about the myofascial tissue and its many roles in the body. Participants will see the fascial tissues in context and how they are interdependent with the other body systems. From there we begin to see how the body incorporates the Anatomy Train Lines to create easy and graceful movement – provided they are in some form of balance and harmony; restriction or weakness in one can have many knock effects.
This is the first workshop to combine Anatomy Trains theory alongside structural and functional anatomy and analysis, blending together the concepts of tensegrity with elastic recoil for movement efficiency. We will address differential diagnosis to help identify for motor control or soft tissue restrictions and where they may be coming from. This is an exciting and fun workshop delivered with clarity and with your practice in mind – you will have useful and usable skills by the end of the 3 days.
In this workshop we will introduce you to the lines – Superficial Front and Back, Lateral and Spiral, Deep Front Line, Arm and Functional Lines. For each of the lines we will teach you a range of movement assessments and you will learn the basics of Fascial Release Technique. We will allow deeper exploration of the main concepts behind the whole system – structural and functional analysis and refining fascial touch skills. Research will be referenced showing the roles of fascia in the body, making this an up to date and highly effective skill-building workshop. This will include a synthesis of Robert Schleip’s work on how we can affect the fascia through stimulating different mechanoreceptors. Further, we will draw from the approaches of many other top researchers and practitioners from across the world of fascial manipulation and functional anatomy
Learn to see and correct the myofascial patterns of the body. By gradually building BodyReading skills you will learn to interpret movement and postural patterns. We all want to have a 3-dimensional vision of the body and this workshop is the first step towards establishing those skills for your self.
Strategies – we will teach you to reliably connect with the fascial tissues, the many ways in which you can mobilise them and, most importantly, the reasons why you would do it and when. A range of powerful techniques will be presented in the context of their structural and functional influences making this a unique workshop that will lead you to the deeper skills explored through the rest of the series.
Learn the full system – Following from the Anatomy Trains workshop we offer a Structural Vision and Structural Integration training. The next step on both paths is the Structural Essentials series of workshops, which will give you the latest research information and put it in a useable context, making sure that we can be maximally effective in our application of fascial release. The world of myofascial anatomy is quickly expanding and we aim to keep you up to date if not ahead of the curve.
- Illustrated lecture
- Open inquiry atmosphere; questions encouraged; high degree of vitality and humour
- Participants will exchange palpation and practice BodyReading (visual assessment) on one another under supervised analysis of instructor and assistants.
Anatomy Trains is the perfect introduction to myofascial anatomy for any manual therapist. It is also the first essential step along the path to training in Structural Integration with the Anatomy Trains protocol (ATSI). Functional movement assessments and palpation skills are included within the class alongside standing and table based manual therapy. It therefore gives a range of skills and a new vocabulary to practitioners of various disciplines. The manual therapy and BodyReading elements require some degree of disrobing that is done discreetly and no-one is forced to any level beyond their comfort.
To relate global and local tensegrity – expresses vs locals – AT lines vs single muscles, and to understand the necessity of balancing locally as well as the overall posture.
Note: This course is a prerequisite for taking the Structural Essentials Series (see below). It is also the pre-requisite for the Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Professional Certification Training.
Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function / Structural Essentials Program
- Functional, Fascial and Structural approaches in one program
- Understand how the body really moves,
- Break the myths of anatomy and physiology
- And learn to make the appropriate changes to maximize efficiency.
Begin your journey with: Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function
Continue your journey with:
The Structural Essentials Series. These regional intensives combine global postural assessment with movement and manual techniques for efficient and long-lasting results. Each of the 6 Structural Essentials classes is based on consistent functional movement concepts, applied to everyday movement and our new understanding of myofascial efficiency and whole body response. Important research findings are integrated into the presentations, along with cutting-edge applications that can be used for clients on your next day in clinic.
Designed for the busy therapist, these workshops are most easily absorbed in the order outlined below but you can do them in any order as time permits.
- Arches and the Legs – 3 days
- Fans of the Hip – 2 ½ days
- Abdomen, Chest and Breath – 2 ½ days
- Tensegrity Spine – 2 days
- Shoulders & Arms – 2 days
- Head, Neck & Jaw – 2 days
Note:- Please do not make any non-refundable travel arrangements until you have received final confirmation that the workshop is running
(Note non refundable 3 months prior to course, no fee refund 1 month prior to course)